Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Passages in *As I Lay Dying*

Page #
by class time tomorrow.


Mr. J. Cook said...

The passage I picked is on page 167-168. Cora is the speaker.


Unknown said...

Meghan that's pretty crazy, because that's exactly the passage i picked. (Cora, 166 - 168)

alison r said...

Dewey Dell
Pages 58-59 (first 3 paragraphs)

Anonymous said...

page 82-83

Megan Leach

Michael said...

Pages 79-81

Michael McGovern

BHand13 said...

Brian H

Kaylie McTiernan said...

Vardaman page 101

Naomi N said...

The passage I picked out is on page 35 to 36. Anse is talking, and it starts with "I told Addie," and ends with "It stands to reason He would."

Kathryn said...

Dewey Dell
p. 121

chlo said...

p.171 starting with "So I took Anse..."
and ending on p. 173 "...what they call them."

alees said...

I'm staking my claim.
Vardaman p.84
"My mother is a fish."

MHodgkins said...

pg. 233 - 234.
"Sometimes.." to "..nor the worse."

Courtland Kelly said...


yay for supershort blog posts

Alex R said...

Dewey Dell: Pages 255-257

Mr. J. Cook said...

Mr. Cook,

I have picked two because I am bad at making a choice.

Darl- p.253-254



page 44. Peabody

"She looks at us. Only her eyes seem to move. It's like they touch us, not with sight or sense, but like the stream from a hose touches you, the stream at the instant of impact as dissociated from the nozzle as though it had never been there. She does not look at Anse at all. She looks at me, then at the boy. Beneath the quilt she is no more than a bundle of rotten sticks."

Lucy M


Anonymous said...

p. 80-81 Darl

Hannah Benson said...

pg 14-15, focusing on the last paragraph

Mr. J. Cook said...

The passage I am interested in studying for AILD begins on page 79 (last paragraph beginning with "Some time toward dawn. . . " and ends on page 81 at the end of the chapter. This section is narrated by Darl.

-Alex [T.]


Mr Cook

my passage is:

page 107, Darl. I plan on looking at the whole section.

Lucy Fox


Mr. Cook,

The passage I've gotten 'ready' to talk about tomorrow is the passage
from Addie's narration, starting on page 171 with "So I took Anse."
and ending on page 172 with "So that it was Anse or love; love or
Anse; it didn't matter."
