Monday, February 9, 2009

Writing the "Literature?" Essay

Some thoughts about getting started writing your essays after you have written your questions:

* You know some of what works and doesn't work for you as a writer so use my suggests in that light.

* Attempt an informal response to your question. (Give yourself a certain amount of time in which to write this response. Get your ideas down as clearly as possible within the time you've given yourself. Have someone else read what you have written. Ask this someone else to explain your ideas back to you. What's clear? What's unclear? What might need more explanation?)

* Look for passages in the readings (and elsewhere) that speak to your question. (I'll post works cited information for the readings I've provided. Do this on your own for the works you find on your own.)

* Write a bit (perhaps in note form) about what those passages have to say about your question.

* Think about particular personal experiences -- especially, but not exclusively, experiences reading and writing -- that will help you develop a response to your question. (You may certainly use the first person in this essay. In fact I expect most of you will.)

* Define your terms whenever possible. (Kingsolver offers a definition of political novels. Prynne offers a definition of poetic language. Often these definitions are paragraphs rather than sentences.)

* Consider your own tone and style. What way of writing would best suit your response to the question?

* Consider using narrative, explanation, analysis, and reflection in the essay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I handed in my essay during class. This is the accompanying paragraph.

In my first draft, I know there is room for me to improve. While I realize where there is room for this in each subject area within the essay, I liked my first and second paragraphs and felt they demonstrated my topic well. The third paragraph was a useful example that highlighted a key point that connected with my answer to what literature is. However, my personal example is something I’m not completely happy with. I know what I’m trying to say, but how to say it is more difficult. I know my fourth paragraph needs a lot of work.